Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm only wearing black until they make something darker

I started my spring semester today  yayy...sarcasm at its best. No but seriously I am glad to be back. After my seemingly long break, today felt like the first day of kindergarten, I was quite anxious and did not know what to expect. Overall I had a great first day at school, and things took a sudden turn on my way to the subway. The New Yorker in me thought that I could cross the streets of Boston without waiting for the "crosswalk sign" and almost was crushed by a Boston cab. Contrary to my beliefs they actually do exist!.
I called my mom to share my near death tale , which happens quite often than you may think. I found myself having a bizarre yet surprisingly humorous conversation with her. I shared my wish to be buried in all black whenever I kick the bucket, and we went on discussing funeral arrangements all including intricate black details .Quite an unusual conversation to have on a Monday morning. Well the point of this small tale of mine is that I'm absolutely obsessed with black  and I wear it every chance I get. Although my mother would disagree and say there is in fact a moral in all this and it is to wait for the cross walk sign to prevent getting run over by mythical creatures like Boston cabs.

"Who can live without some black clothes" Karl Lagerfeld 

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