Saturday, January 12, 2013

Baby Its cold outside

Some kind of wonderful

Relaxing on this wonderful Saturday indulging in a game of Polyvore with my current favorite Romwe items.Such a great past time, if you haven't tried it well you can thank me later. I find it a great way to get my creative juices flowing while making a wishlist... as if I need an excuse to shop. Check out Romwe , a "high-street fashion" retailer bringing you the best of the best in street fashion at fast fashion prices. I absolutely love the site , there are hundreds of new items everyday. I am practically on it the minute I get out of bed, or on a day like today , Romwe serves as my lazy companion while I soak all the juicy goodness of this bed. I'll post the rest of the sets I worked on , sometimes today or tomorrow. Stay tuned, Romwe wish - Boho grunge affair

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A late start in the year. Happy New Year!

Every new year presents a chance for a fresh start, a clean slate. A second chance to start that low carbs diet that you cheated on last year ( guilty), a chance to be a better person and to be the change you want to see in the world blah blah blah. But we all know as soon as day 3-4 rolls in the new year  we are back to our old undeniably comfortable habits. So this morning I got to thinking about my "non new year resolution" resolutions I call it. Instead of making insane pretentious promises  like "to begin a low sugar diet"because heavens know I'm a sugar junkie,or even to go to bed at a decent hour at night because I swear I was a vampire in my previous lives. I decided to make it easy on myself and promise to indulge in the things I love and already have the habit of doing.Like to devote more time to each every one of my many insane interests and hobbies because they make me happy. To spend more time perfecting my amateur skills.Whether  it is dedicating an extra hour to the blog, Practicing Yoga everyday or even mastering the art of power naps that will sure come in handy for the spring semester that is only a short week away and I have literally the worst schedule on the planet.What I'm desperately trying to say is that maybe this year instead of trying to change ourselves so greatly, we can choose instead to be happy with who we are , and enjoying the things we love. I'm a believer that change is better when it is not forced but when it comes naturally. In due time if there is a need for change it is inevitable.  What are your "non- New Year resolution" resolution? 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flawless Skin from your pantry.

Want beautiful, smooth , clear skin without spending a dime?
You've come to the right place. This Honey w/Lemon facial cleanser/mask made with ingredients right from your kitchen is guaranteed to leave your skin clear and smooth. 
HONEY w/ Lemon facial 
 This will help you with acne, the prevention of breakouts and smoothing of the skin.
Natural pure honey contains anti-bacterial and anti- inflammatory properties.It is beneficial to the treatment of acne because it will dry up and eliminate your acne and unlike over the counter acne medicine , the honey will not dry out your skin but instead leave it smooth and clean.
FYI//Lemon contains whitening agents, this will help eliminate dead skin to reveal a fresh new skin. ( sort of like a cheap facial peel, without the doctor) 

You will  need:
Grade A Pure Honey ( I use Kirkland Clover Honey) 
a Lemon
a bowl.
//Mix 2 parts honey with 1 part of lemon juice.
( create a thick , creamy substance, thick enough to apply to the skin and not have it run)

Apply to a clean face, and leave it on for 15-30 mins. rinse off with warm water and cloth to reveal fresh, clean skin. 
You can make enough to store in your fridge and use it up to a week. 
I use this honey and lemon mix daily , and it helps  clears my acne, and prevents future breakouts, and not to forget it leaves my skin ridiculously smooth.
Give it a try and let me know what you guys think. Wouldn't hurt to try , the ingredients are right in your kitchen, or should I say my mom's kitchen. 

PS. If you eat a spoonful of honey everyday your skin will thank you.