Saturday, January 26, 2013

Afro Punk Fever

For those of you who knows this community very well this might come as a shock that today was the first ever time I took the liberty of exploring Afro Punk, and to those less fortunate like my former self (12 hours ago) Afro Punk is an amazing online community that is designed to give" a voice to thousands of multi cultural kids fiercely identifying with a lifestyle path-less-traveled"."Afro-punk is a platform for the other Black experience, the one we don't see in our media".I I spent the afternoon today learning about their work and exploring the community. I gain lots and lots of ideas and quite amazing inspirations. Check out Afro punk I am sure you will not be disappointed. I think its a great place to get culturally inspired , stay informed about the punk/rock/indie subculture and also to get street style inspirations and hair trends from some very cool and creative individuals. ( this includes also a collection of tumblr and Pinterest photographs depicting the meaning of Afro punk and its many looks within the community). 


  1. Amazing it.^^
    I like your blog.
    Maybe follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and GFC???
    Lovely greets Nessa
    My Blog

  2. Circleofchaos thank you so much. Yes I will follow you on bloglovin. :)

  3. Wow great post!!!! Nice photos!! would you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin?
    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

    1. Thank you so much Marcela, I will sure follow you back. I'm Only on bloglovin for now.
